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Hey hervi can you make an android port?


U can play it in android


Deleted 139 days ago

The content and scenes of farm work are the reason why I care about this game, and if it can be fully expanded later, I will not hesitate to buy it


Ti daje ne daje

Прикольная игра , разве что пока что сыровата, баги почти на каждом шагу, да и бесит то что нельзя играть в полноэкранном режиме, но у игры явно есть потенциал. Буду следить за будущими обновлениями. 


She's cute, especially when she's naked.

She should get naked more often.

So far we have groping, spanking, creampie, blowjob, titjob, with a hint of exhibitionism. I hope to see more content updates. 


Would love to know what you used to make the character images. Overall good game, the design of houses needs to be fixed in alot of areas. Walls that suddenly appear as doors and general building layouts that make no sense. Otherwise really good.

Doesn't let me download it as a compressed folder, but as a VLC download.

I'm downloading this through phone because i dont have wifi(only phone data) does anyone know a way I can swap this to a .zip, i have a converter app, but it doesn't seem to work on nearly anything I try(Or i'm too tech dumb to figure out the right way to use it.)

Deleted 92 days ago

Hi! I'll probably go back to "Kallen isekai" as my next project, I'll do a poll, but that's still a while away.


Very impressive update. I'm glad we got a more free roam sort of segment. I appreciate your effort, you've clearly made a lot of progress. 

I would appreciate it if you had the option to re-go through some of the scenes. Though I'm sure you'll give us the gallery option for the new stuff eventually, if you prefer just sticking to that. But the characters do often act as if they wanted to repeat the events. Just a way to re-insert the existing images(that work of course) into the game would give it a much greater open world feel. Would really reduce feelings of linearity. But of course, it's not an important feature. You likely have other priorities.

It's funny, the skill system gives me Gothic vibes. Game is practically nothing like it, but it still does. The skinning training especially. Just has the vibes. Along with the non-respawning enemies.

To newcomers, the game is still a work in progress. It has unpolished spots here and there. There are still untranslated dialogue, item names, descriptions, and the like, here and there. But it is quite solid and the art is very nice. I'm interested in seeing it progress.


Thanks! Yes, I love Gothic/Risen.

(1 edit) (+3)

The most attractive thing to me about this game is the goblin girl, because I have no resistance to this special skin color girl, I hope the author can give her more introduction and story, and I also hope she may have a happy ending.


i really hope the scenes could be animated


I like the new update so far. My only issues is combat and cooking. After learning the cooking recipe, Amber cant interact with the oven in hers house. Combat is a bit difficult and I didnt knew that I had to talk to the monster hunter to improve Ambers skills, so she ended up dying a bunch. I get the feeling food is meant to heal Amber but only healing option I had was either resting or buying a potion.

Im not sure if the CG room was updated or not, but it only had the previous versions CG and Im not sure if I got everything or not.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey! At the moment, there is no gallery for the 2nd chapter. Since I'm still working on the combat system, there are really problems with the balance. 

Yes, there was a bug with the kitchen stove, but I fixed it and reloaded the game, now everything should work.



Really good game can't wait for the next chapter


Im lost, I did every quest I know of. waitress, Dusky, the farm, the kid at the ruin, Edward. I talked with every npc I could find. I still cant sleep or open the ruin door.

(1 edit) (+2)

Also a blacksmith, Trader And Woodcutters


Them too, the only thing I didn't do is rob the trader.


Same, I tried 5 times there is nothing left to do, I have the version with 2nd chapter too. I'm tired of trying it was fun but none of those quests were suggested in any way how am I supposed to know what to do? I hate when gameplay boils down to just walking and clicking everything hoping that something will happen.


C'mon... post something *pokes with stick*


Update is in the works. Join their discord to stay up-to-date


bruh it was already updated in jan. have some patience.


Damn, the game is short but it's really good. When you have better developed the characters and the story it will be incredible. I used an online translator so I don't know if there are errors, sorry if there are.


Nice Game, Now waiting Chapter 2 release.


it's super early, but I'd say GAME OF THE YEAR material right there!

wow! cute goblin gal! <3


Thanks :D


And the art of the Gobbo girl is so cute (and sexy)!


Hallo can you make a website or an android version of you games ?


I don't know, I haven't thought about it


Any updates?


I am working


if youre wondering about updates to games on
i would recommend looking to see if they got a patreon and going there
youre not going to  get any details in  depth without paying BUT you will be able to see the timestamp and heading of the most recent post
it at the very least lets you get a better feel on how things are going


Will there be impreg?


A gem among the stones.


i love it its so cute


So what am I supposed to do now, I just got the boy to come back from the ruins, the doors don't open and I don't see anything to open them. I've gone to all the shops, interacted with Edward, worked as a waitress, but when i try to sleep it says i havent done anything so?


Did you complete a quest with the bar owner?


yeah, so I figured out that’s what I needed to do. Really enjoyed the game. I would just add like a ? Or ! above NPC‘s head so you know that they have an interaction, even a … if it’s just dialogue. Enjoyed the game though and I know it’s still super early so, great so far!


That's good


Cant wait for more, I was sad when I ran out of stuff to do


я уже поиграл в игру, топчик, жду дальнейшего сюжета


I try to play the game on joiplay but it doesn't work and i don't know why ?


о русский, дарова , кстати а на андроид будет?


Не знаю, не планировал 


Я просто с JoiPlay играл, вполне нормально работало.


Привет, я все ещё не понял, на каком языке ты говоришь, поэтому так, мне стало интересно, ты под одним из моих комментариев говорил что хочешь делать сначала мелкие Х-игры, а потом "большие" Эта к каким относится?) 

Привіт, я все ще не зрозумів, якою мовою ти говориш, тому так, мені стало цікаво, ти під одним з моїх коментарів говорив що хочеш робити спочатку дрібні х-ігри, а потім "великі" Ця до яких відноситься?)

Hi, I still don't understand what language you speak, so I was wondering if you said under one of my comments that you wanted to do small X-games first, and then "big" ones Which one does this one belong to?)

(1 edit) (+1)

Привет! Мой родной язык - русский. Да, я изначально так планировал, но на этапе продумывания сценария  я решил написать что-то по сложнее. Что-то короткое не особо шло в голову с данной идеей.


Ждал от тебя новую игру, не забудь сделать бусти



Thanks for making an english version. I'm a fan. Very cute protagonist. Incredibly solid first release. Looking forward to future updates.

I'd like to give some feedback though, and warning, I talk too much.  

Some translation/buggy things first. The blacksmith refers to the dagger as a 'gun' a few times. It's amusing, but kind of throws you off. 

There are some errors in grammar here and there, but those aren't a huge deal to my eyes.

Some stuff remains in Russian here and there, mostly in the menu. Equipment screen especially, as well as some choice boxes. Not a huge problem with yes/no, those are easy for anyone to learn and remember. But some others go beyond.

Sometimes the textbox displaying the character speaking doesn't switch from one character to the other, even with lines clearly meant to be said by the other character. Context clues can get you by, but translated text makes it a little harder to figure out than usual.

Secondly, I'd like to offer up some opinions on design, this is a bit overbearing of me, so apologies for back-seat designing. I'm not seriously being demanding, I just like what I see and want to offer opinions.

I'm sure you intend to eventually create interiors for most of the village, but if you have an area that looks like you should be able to enter it but it isn't done or you aren't gonna let us enter(examples being doorways, stairs,  roads, etc), I'd advise you to place some text on it when the player tries to enter. A description of the room/buildings purpose, just text saying it's locked, 'in development', whatever. Helps make the doors and such feel like more than just a tile the same as the others. World feels more alive. Bit unfair of me to jump on this, since I'm sure that's something you intend to handle eventually and this is the first release, but I find it odd when games don't, and some never bother to go back and do it.

And another is for when you work and the like, it'd be good to be able to say yes/no. Especially if it ever advances time or something like that. Though it seems you're going more linear than sandbox, most scenes were very good about giving your choices.

Finally, a way to hide the textbox would be good. Even as transparent as it is it blocks many of the scenes. If it exists and I just happened to miss the key, apologies.

Anyway, that's about all I wanted to mention. Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Great work.


Thanks for the feedback! I translated with the help of online translators, so there may be mistakes that I am not able to keep track of, But with the "Gun" I will try to fix it! The rest of the translation bugs are related to the method itself, which is extremely inconvenient, but I have no choice. But I will try to correct the mistakes.

I couldn't find a free plugin for hiding text, but by the end of chapter 2, I'll buy it.


unfortunately I couldn't play hervi, the game stays on a black screen when I open it, but knowing its power, I congratulate you on another project that looks like a great game from the capture screens, congratulations

(1 edit) (+2)

it looks very good, keep it up

(1 edit) (+1)

getting this when i try to download


its a bug with the app, just download it online


I'm hoping this is what I think it is, that being a female protagonist game that's actually wholesome and not about corruptio


I mean its pretty obvious its corruption tbh, in one of the pictures you see her asking why people like her boobs. Which in time she will know lol

(2 edits) (+2)

I am a simple man🧐. I see Gobo, I put in my collection.


happy to see your new work Hervi doubly so since it's a goblin girl. 


please keep working on this one its amazing!


Thanks! Of course!

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